The Best Dance Partner in the World


Cancer Full Moon: January 6, 2023

peaking at 6:07 P.M. EST
happening at 16°22’ Cancer

click links above for timezone converter & to check the placement in your chart

What does it mean to be carried by magic? It means that magic is carrying you and you are carrying it.

I woke the morning of January 1, 2023, and was immediately enveloped in this truth: that I am carrying magic and magic is carrying me. We are working together, and this is true for all of us, for all of us who are open to it, who have decided to let go of rigid ideology and to instead surrender to the sweet soft mysterious something that fills our bellies with power and our hearts with joy, that lifts our bodies up as if towards the sky while simultaneously keeping our feet firmly rooted on the ground. This is what I mean:

I guess I can only really tell it in a story.

I guess that’s why I keep telling this story, forever and ever.

Here we go:

I woke the morning of January 1, 2023, and stretched my arms and legs out long, opened my mouth wide, and yawned. My muscles relaxed. I folded the blankets down to my waist and opened my eyes. It’s a new year.

I could tell from the light shining through the bathroom window that the sun had risen before me. A rare occurrence that was surely the result of somehow actually keeping myself awake till midnight (even rarer). What time is it? I looked at the clock and noticed it was 9:09, saw next that I had 18 unread text messages. I took a screenshot and circled the numbers with digital ink, wrote across the screen in big red numbers — 18. I was thinking both of the texts and the time: 9+9. I maybe wouldn’t have noticed the connection except for the fact that I was born on the eighteenth, and ever since I was a little girl, I loved the number and thought it must be lucky — for delivering me here, to this life.

Seeing it now felt like a sign — an omena marker of good luck. I walked downstairs and kissed my husband and pet my cat and poured myself a cup of coffee in a tiny white mug covered in rings of flowers: yellow, purple, and red. I noticed the time on the oven as I picked up the cup and held it in my hands: 9:18. I smiled at the clock and at whatever great magical force I felt was behind the creation of this moment right here, right now.

Back in my bedroom, I placed the cup on a ceramic and glass coaster marked by shades of blue. I opened my phone to read the messages waiting for me, and when I saw the numbers again, my mind went where it so often goes with repeating numbers: towards the heavens, towards the million plus stony rocks — some named, most numbered — moving through our solar system like little bits of leftover matter that were once part of something bigger — a planet, a star — but now were simply moving along like cosmic breadcrumbs, marking a trail through space and time that somehow I was regularly intuitively guided to see. But I was resisting — I really don’t need to be looking at the astrology right now. I’m just gonna drink my coffee, do my sudoku, maybe watch some TV.

But the numbers kept looking at me all glowy and smiley like they had some joy to share, like I was being completely silly for not wanting to play with them right then and there. So I opened my planetary mapping software and entered number 18. I honestly wasn’t expecting to see anything special. My expectations lay peacefully at zero, but when the map appeared, I burst out laughing because of course, OF COURSE: the sun was aligned at nearly the exact same place in the sky as asteroid 18, the asteroid named Melpomene:

Melpomene was named after a goddess, a muse whose name means “to celebrate with dance and song.” And that’s what the start of the new year felt like — a celebration, like I was dancing with the song of the universe, like a great magical force was my dance partner, and together we were moving, conversing, giving and receiving, but mostly, we were playfully, play-fully dancing.

And by leading me to see Melpomene there, next to the sun, it felt as though the great magical force was saying: See, I’m here! Hello! Good morning! It’s not all in your head, and you can trust me and trust yourself. The magic is real.

And the magic was outside me, carrying me through the details of the physical, visible world in which I was moving, and the magic was inside me, in my ability to see it and my willingness to dance. And this is how we carry the magic: by dancing, by dancing.

I dreamt my feet weren’t on the ground at all. I was flying high through a forest of loblolly pines. The next morning, I researched loblollies and learned their scientific name: Pinus teada, meaning “pine torch.”

I was reminded of this on Christmas Day when I opened my journal and saw the dream from almost exactly one year earlier: December 30, 2021.

Afterwards, I set my journal down and picked up the gift my husband had given me that morning. It was a large black book covered in copper: A History of Magic, Witchcraft, & the Occult. This wasn’t some collection of spells or ideology from some person I had no reason to trust. This was a history book, a collection of facts based on the archaeological record of people practicing magic, and in the light of the flickering faux candle in the window, the book called me close, asked me to open it with reverence and care.

I closed my eyes and placed my hands on its black and copper cover. When I did, I felt heat, power, energy, and saw in my mind a moving image of me, opening the book, but I wasn’t opening it how I normally do — from the side — instead, I was opening it from the bottom, so that’s where I slipped my fingers, somewhere between the bottom of the pages. Then, I lifted my hands, opening the book where my fingers lay, and that’s when I saw: an amber pendant made from the fossilized resin of…prehistoric pine trees.

“Solidified sun,” the resin was called, based on the Ancient Greek belief that that’s what amber was.

Pine torch, the words flashed in my mind, and I wondered: what are the odds that I was literally just reading about a year old dream involving pine trees and then I just “randomly” opened to this page of all 319 pages in the book?

Like with the number 18 and the asteroid Melpomene, this coincidence felt like magic, a manifestation of the great dance, and an indication of the interconnection between my internal world, my external environment, and the great big mysterious something moving through it all.

“The earliest beliefs in magic may date back 100,000 years.” So says the book, page 17. Of course, this date is based on discoverable evidence, not the actual origin of magic, and as I flipped through the book and saw all the ways magic has been explored and experienced from culture to culture, continent to continent, millennia after millennia, I couldn’t help but think that the human experience of magic has most likely always been with us, and I wondered what it may have looked like during those first 200,000 years, after the birth of the first Homo sapiens some 300,000 years ago.

Is there something about the way we’re wired that causes us to perceive magic in the world? Or do we keep perceiving magic because magic is real?

Of course, the book doesn’t reference the earliest existence of magic but the earliest beliefs in magic, for as we all know, believing in something doesn't necessarily make it true, so how do you know that what you’re experiencing is some magical dance or simply the consequence of nature? And why would you even ask that question?

At what point did we start thinking that just because we can track certain repeatedly verifiable physical processes that that must mean there’s no magic in them? And at what point did we start thinking that magic was something unnatural (or supernatural) versus simply an aspect of nature itself?

I was flipping back through the book today to try to find the page with the amber pendant, but for the life of me, I couldn’t find it. However, I knew I’d taken a picture of the page, so I went looking for that instead.

I had the book open in my lap at page 145, and my phone open in my hand. I scrolled back until I found the image of the page with the amber pendant. I was disappointed to see that the page number was nowhere in the picture, so in theory, looking at it now wasn’t going to help me find the page in the book. However, as I was looking at the picture on my phone, my hand subconsciously reached back in the book, and in one quick motion, opened the book to a different page. I looked down and was stunned to see…the amber pendant. Somehow, I had opened the book to the exact page I was looking for, to the very page that was captured in the image on my phone. Page 17.

Somehow, without even looking at the book, I’d placed my hand 128 pages back in the book, opening it to the very page I’d been looking for (and currently was looking at on my phone).

Perhaps seeing the image triggered some subconscious muscle memory from when I’d opened to the page before. However, the first time I opened to the page, the book was closed and I’d opened it that odd way (from the bottom of the pages), and this time, it was wide open to page 145, and I turned it back from the side of the pages. I wasn’t performing the same physical action at all.

All I know for sure is that when I consciously tried to find the page, I couldn’t find it. But somehow, in looking at the image and letting my intuition takeover, I opened right to it. If that’s not magic, I don’t know what is.

And maybe all magic is the consequence of deep subconscious, subliminal processing of the tiniest details in our environment that we mostly aren’t paying attention to, so when we’re able to access it, it seems like magic, but then again, maybe God is in all of those details, and maybe magic is part of the language of God.

For now, there’s no way to prove that magic is real, and there’s no way to prove that it isn’t.

There is only the sweet, soft surrender into the mystery of everything.

There is only the dance and the awe it inspires.

There is only the faith that is forged from one magical experience to the next, telling you that it’s not a coincidence. It’s not a coincidence. None of it is a coincidence. All of it is a sign that there is something big and wondrous happening, and it’s not separate from us or beyond us or above us or below us. It is with us, right here, right now. In each and every moment, it is guiding our hands, our eyes, our minds — if only we let it — like the best dance partner in the world, leading the way.

On January 6, 2023, there’s a full moon aligning with the brightest star in the sky (Sirius) and the asteroid Ariadne.

In Ancient Greek, Ariadne means “most holy,” and according to mythology, she was a goddess who helped Theseus escape the Minotaur by handing him a ball of thread that helped guide him through a dark and terrifying labyrinth.

As I type that, my mind flashes back to a powerful vision I had on November 14, 2020. Can I even call it a vision? It felt more like…an experience. Visceral, like my whole being save for my body was transported.

I was sitting cross-legged on the bedroom floor, eyes closed, preparing to meditate when suddenly — in my mind’s eye — I saw a hand reach out towards me, asking me to take it. At first, I ignored it — I was supposed to be meditating after all, and doesn’t that mean not getting hooked into all the thoughts and events happening in my mind? Wasn’t it my job in that moment to observe but not move closer, to instead just breathe and be?

Pshaw! The being attached to the hand was not impressed with this idea. He was there now. That’s what was happening, and I could either go with it or keep resisting based on the questionable belief that resistance is superior.

So…I took his hand, and I did not fear or doubt. I simply followed.

The being was not new to me. Over the course of the last year or so, I’d seen him many times before, ever since he appeared before me (energetically and in my mind) and offered to help.

His name was Jesus, but this was not the Jesus of Christian myth. This was the Jesus of my mind, my heart, and my evolving personal experience. This was the Jesus of history, a loving guide, and that’s what he was that day in November: a loving guide, guiding me somewhere that was pitch-black except for this beautiful trail of pale neon blue light.

Together, we stood at the edge of the trail, observing it, talking about it. I saw that at least for me in that moment, it formed the shape of a hexagram, and then suddenly, I found myself standing at the center of it, atop an image of the sun, and then, I started to glow. My body became brighter and brighter until the light inside me lifted me up. It shot through my body and through the darkness like a beacon, reaching out and connecting to the light of the trail, and I saw how these are connected and how the world is like this — dark and scary — especially during times of transition, but if you’re looking, you will notice that there is a trail of light guiding you, just like Ariadne’s thread guiding Theseus through the labyrinth.

On this full moon, you are being guided. You are being asked to follow the light. There is a FLOOD OF LIGHT pouring down like water from the sky, which is also arriving and quite literally flooding the land.

In the days following Christmas, the notion of A FLOOD kept appearing:

1) Our kitchen sink backed up and flooded the basement sink.

2) The plumber came to fix it and then found that our hot water heater had a leak that was about to burst and flood our basement (thankfully the kitchen sink back up helped us catch this before that happened).

3) One of you had a very magical experience during a late December walk in the woods that led you to write me about Noah’s Ark.

4) Another one of you sent me a fascinating article about the mysterious water that thwarted the construction of the Cathedral of St. John the Divine for over one hundred years.

And water just kept coming up, and I saw in the news that there were floods in California and Atlanta and Tel Aviv, and I wondered: What’s with all the water?

I asked this question out loud during a lovely catch up call with a friend who then said: It makes me curious what’s happening with the asteroid Flood.

I’d never heard of such an asteroid, but her mentioning it felt like a sign, and sure enough: on this full moon, the asteroid Flood is exactly aligned with the sun.

As I’m writing this, I’m suddenly very sleepy. It’s pouring rain, and my mind’s eye feels like it’s trying to see through dense fog, so I close my computer. I take a break. I cut myself half a muffin and snuggle up with my cat and turn on the TV — the next episode of a show I started watching during the holidays. Before I hit play, I think “maybe there’s a message in the show for me, something I’m supposed to see to help the story.”

Twenty minutes in, I’m shocked to hear the words, “Noah’s Ark.” This is its first mention in nearly four seasons of the show, and as it’s mentioned now, it’s like they’re revealing a big puzzle piece within the mystery of the series.

Seemingly out of nowhere, over this episode and the next, the show became all about Noah’s Ark and a Chinese myth about flooding, and I, of course, couldn’t help but think of the fact that I was just writing about floods and the fact that I just happened to be watching these episodes now of all times.

It’s not a coincidence. It’s not a coincidence. All of it is a sign, but to what end? What are all these flood messages about?

I looked at the astrology and saw that in my chart, the sun/Flood conjunction is happening at the same point as the asteroid Tempel. I’d just learned about that asteroid a couple of days earlier after dreaming that I inherited a white house. In the dream, I was told, “the house is yours.” Two days later, I was watching the same show and completely out of nowhere, a character inherited a white house and was told that the house was hers. After that, the address on the house jumped out at me — 3808 — and this led me to the asteroid Tempel and the fact that the sun would be crossing it in my chart on the full moon. That same day, I was sent the article about the water in the Cathedral of St. John the Divine, and now, whenever I see the asteroid Flood aligned with the asteroid Tempel, I just keep hearing, “a flood in the temple.” But I still don’t completely understand…all I know is that this is important and that I’m supposed to share it because over the last twelve hours, more messages have arrived like bam bam bam, revealing one asteroid after the next, all aligning with the sun and Mercury on this full moon, and all aligned with the asteroid Tempel…but not just in my chart. This is also happening in the chart for the United States of America:

This Cancer full moon is falling right on America’s sun, and it’s happening on the anniversary of the January 6th attack. On that day, I had another vision of Jesus. I saw him enter the U.S. Capitol and become a radiating beacon of golden light, and it was right after that FLOOD OF LIGHT that finally, finally, the attack came to an end. (You can read that full, wild magical story and the astounding synchronicity supporting it here.)

Something is happening in America with this full moon. Not just for all the reasons I’ve already shared, but also because this full moon is an outgrowth of the Cancer new moon, which was when Roe v. Wade was overturned, and when I flipped back to the new moon story, this is the section that jumped out at me:

“And what I saw happening then was A HUGE OUTPOURING OF GOLDEN LIGHT RADIATING ACROSS THE EARTH from the temple of the U.S. Capitol. I write temple because the U.S. Capitol (it it thought) was built to mimic The Temple of Vesta in ancient Rome.”

I apparently was guided to share about my January 6, 2021, vision then too, and back then, I used the word “temple.” Is this the temple from “a flood in the temple”? I don’t know. All I know is that as I write this, the House of Representatives is gathering at the Capitol and struggling to elect a speaker for the first time in over 100 years, and all I can think of is the ethereal light that flooded that same space (to combat the darkness) on January 6, 2021.

And the final asteroid (in the cluster above) that I was guided to see after hearing “there is one more” was the asteroid Asterope. Asterope means “lightning.”

So the sun is on America’s Tempel along with asteroids meaning flood and lightning, like a flood of light, but also like a storm. While there are literal storms raging and flooding the west coast and while there is clearly tension in the struggle at the Capitol right now, I can’t help but feel that whatever comes during this full moon time is actually a powerfully magical thing. I won’t pretend to know what it is. I don’t feel clear on that. I’m simply sharing the messages I see as I see them, and now together, we get to live them. We get to watch the dance unfold for ourselves and the entire world.

This full moon time takes us through January 20th, and the time surrounding January 12th feels particularly big as the sun crosses Pandora, Iris crosses the south node, and Mars goes direct.

To better understand what may show up for you personally during this time, reflect back on the period from approximately June 28 – July 12, 2022. What was happening in your life? What internal and external events were you experiencing? Whatever happens for you now will most likely be connected to this. Sometimes it’s easier to see these connections after the fact, so if you don’t see it now, check back again after January 20th when this full moon time comes to an end.

During this full moon period, I think we are likely to receive some very big NEWS — news connected to the past or illuminating the past with new information. This is likely to show up personally, and I think also here in America, nationally.

Ultimately, this moon feels a bit like a blur, shrouded in a mystery that’s still unfolding. It seems like there’s going to be some dark scary stuff (like the floods in California), but on the other hand, it seems like there’s going to be SO MUCH LIGHT, like a big EUREKA moment, and perhaps that’s why I was guided to share the story of the blue light in the dark void and the thread in the maze.

Whatever happens now, just keep looking for the light. Not obsessively, not from a place of fear, but from a place of sweet, soft surrender and acceptance. Accept that the light is there, the magic is swirling, allow it take your hand, and no matter what, keep dancing. As you’re moving through, you just may find in the most unexpected and magical of ways: exactly what you were looking for.

To be continued…

Long Story Short:

This Cancer full moon time takes us from January 6th to January 20th. It’s an outgrowth of everything that happened from June 28 to July 12, and if you reflect back on that period, you just may get a glimpse of what’s about to happen for you now. What happens, just keep going to with, keep trusting, follow the light moving through you and around you and guiding you. Let yourself PLAY and DANCE. Let all of life be like this as we move through the unfolding of a great big mystery and as some BIG NEWS arrives, illuminating the past with new information.


The Tip Jar

The Magic Guide is a calling I answer every time I sit to write. Every month, I spend 100+ hours creating it, and I couldn’t do it without you. If you’re enjoying The Magic Guide, please help contribute to its continued creation. Thank you.


Virginia Mason Richardson

I am a writer, illustrator, and designer with over twenty years of experience, including 9+ years creating custom (no-template) Squarespace designs.

The Pledge: On My Mystical Marriage to Jesus


Capricorn New Moon: December 23, 2022